Save the date for Spinal Life Australia’s Annual General Meeting, which will be held on Wednesday 6 November 2024 at 1pm AEST.
This year’s AGM will be an online only meeting which can be accessed from a computer, smartphone or tablet. You can choose to attend at the specified time, listen to the presentations and vote, or nominate a proxy to vote on your behalf to ensure you don’t miss out on having your say.
More details will be sent directly to members soon from Vero Voting, an independent meeting and voting service that will be managing this year’s AGM. These details will be sent to your email if you have one registered with Spinal Life, or via post if you have not listed an email with us.
Our 2024-25 Strategic Plan
Spinal Life’s Board of Directors has developed a new Strategic Plan for 2024-25 to help guide our organisation’s activities.
The Plan sets out the key initiatives that will be delivered to improve the financial sustainability of the organisation, engage with new and existing customers, and ensure we continue to achieve our mission of supporting people with physical disability to live accessible, equitable and empowered lives.
The Plan also includes clear performance goals that will be measured and reported on in the 2024-25 Annual Report.
Have your say at this year’s AGM
Election of Directors
At this year’s AGM, Spinal Life members will be required to vote on Elected Director positions, who must have lived experience with spinal cord damage (including a parent or spouse of someone with spinal cord damage).
Profiles of all candidates who have nominated for the position of Director will be published here prior to the AGM, in line with the release of the official Notice of Meeting.
Nominations for Elected Directors close on Monday 7 October 2024 at 5pm (AEST). To request a nomination form, please contact Irene Campbell on 07 3435 3121 or email
Director Remuneration Proposal
At this year’s AGM, Spinal Life members will be asked to vote on a proposal to provide remuneration to Board Directors who currently contribute to the organisation on a voluntary basis.
This proposal has been informed by an independent report from Directors Australia, which provides advice on supporting Boards to perform at the highest level.
In the 64 years since Spinal Life began, there have been significant changes in our organisation’s operating environment. This includes an increase in competition with the introduction of the NDIS, fundamental changes to legislative requirements associated with delivering personal support services, and the expansion of services we provide.
As members can see from the above Strategic Plan for 2024-25, there are a diverse range of significant projects to be delivered, all of which require considered strategic oversight by a Board of professionally skilled and qualified Directors.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the Board seeking remuneration now?
The Board is committed to achieving Spinal Life’s mission, which requires careful consideration of the organisation’s financial stability and opportunities for future growth, to expand support services that will make a difference in the lives of our members and community.
Recently, this has included investing in Move Mobility and completing a merger with Sporting Wheelies, in addition to the opening of the Spinal Life Healthy Living Centre in Brisbane and continued growth of services in regional areas including Cairns, WA and other locations.
As the environment that we operate in becomes more complex, remunerating Directors will recognise the professional skills and experience required to lead the organisation. The remuneration also recognises the significant time commitment and personal liability taken on by each Director when considering matters relating to the board, attending meetings and conducting the business of the organisation.
What are the benefits of remunerating Board Directors?
According to Directors Australia, the benefits of remunerating Board Directors include:
- Recognising the time commitment and sometimes ‘opportunity cost’ for Directors who are self-employed or undertaking board duties in their annual leave
- Recognising increasing responsibilities and liabilities of Directors, and their various significant duties at law
- Increasing the ability to set and enforce expectations of Directors, ‘buy in’ their commitment, and evaluate performance
- Can assist in attracting and retaining suitably skilled and experienced Directors
- Can improve Board socio-economic and age diversity, by ensuring candidates are not limited to those with the financial capacity to assume a volunteer role.
How much will the directors be paid?
For many years, the Constitution of Spinal Life Australia has contained provisions outlining how Directors could be remunerated.
Directors Australia’s independent report provided recommendations including the amount and structure of remuneration payable to each Director.
The maximum amount of remuneration funding proposed is a total sum of $250,000 per year that includes all Directors, although it is projected that the actual cost per annum will be well less than this total.
Individual directors will be remunerated at different levels, based on their roles and involvement with various sub-committees. It recognises the particular additional commitments required of the Chair and Deputy Chair at this time. Even if fully expended, the total fee will represent less than 0.5% of the annual turnover of Spinal Life Australia.
The Board is, of course, conscious of the need to be prudent with any expenditure and therefore the proposed remuneration has been set at a level consistent with Directors Australia recommendations.
It should also be noted that all Directors remain strongly committed to the organisation irrespective of remuneration. The proposed fee structure includes the provision for individual Directors to elect not to receive remuneration.
What impact will this have on Spinal Life’s financial sustainability?
As above, the total fees paid to Directors will be well less than 0.5% of Spinal Life’s annual turnover and the impact to annual surplus is therefore expected to be minimal. The Board is focused on ensuring ongoing sustainability of the organisation to support members and the wider community of people with spinal cord damage and other mobility related issues, and this will not change if Directors are remunerated. The Board believes that, if approved by members, the remuneration of Directors will have no material impact on the financial sustainability of the organisation.
Are other not-for-profits paying their Board Directors?
Yes, many other not-for-profits are already remunerating Directors and this number is increasing each year, as the competitive landscape changes and the complexity and risks associated with overseeing not-for-profit organisations increase. For example, similar organisations that already remunerate Directors include the Paraplegic & Quadriplegic Association of South Australia, Multicap and Suncare Community Services, with other organisations also undertaking reviews.
How is the performance of the Board being assessed?
Our Board’s performance is demonstrated by the achievements outlined in the Annual Report, issued in October each year ahead of the AGM. This is linked to the strategic direction of the organisation, which is developed by the Board, CEO and Executive Management Team to outline the significant projects and organisational goals for each financial year.
Members can also nominate to be part of the Board as well as vote in the election of Directors, to guide the organisation in future.
If you have any further questions about the Director Remuneration proposal, please send these to Irene Campbell on 07 3435 3121 or email
Making your vote count
Only Spinal Life Ordinary members and their proxies are eligible to vote at the AGM. Employees are ineligible to vote but are welcome to attend and ask questions.
To help inform your votes, we’ll be uploading key documents closer to the AGM, including the official Notice of Meeting, 2023-24 Annual Report and Financial Statements.
If you have a question ahead of time, please Irene Campbell on 07 3435 3121 or email You can also ask questions during the AGM via the Vero Voting meeting portal.
Lodging your proxy vote
If you are a Spinal Life member and wish to vote, but cannot attend at the meeting time, you can appoint an individual or a body corporate as your proxy. Your proxy does not have to be a member of Spinal Life but will need to attend the AGM online to vote on your behalf. There is an option on the proxy form to choose the Chair of the meeting as your proxy.
If you appoint a proxy, including the Chair of the meeting, you can either direct them how to vote or give them the ability to vote as they see fit.
Proxy forms will be sent by Vero Voting in early October with the official Notice of AGM. These forms must be returned by Monday 4 November at 1pm (AEST) to be eligible.
Voting during the AGM
Vero Voting provides an easy-to-use meeting portal which includes the ability for you or your proxyholder to vote during the AGM. The Chair of the meeting will open and close the voting buttons as part of the AGM proceedings. You can change your vote right up until voting closes.
If you wish to take part via the meeting portal, you will need a computer, smartphone or tablet with internet access.
We recommend logging on at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time in case you have any technical issues.
Your individual meeting link will be sent by Vero Voting in early October with the official Notice of AGM. Please use your own personalised link as this enables you to vote in the meeting resolutions. When you appoint a proxy, they will be sent an individual meeting link to act on your behalf.
Need any help?
If you require assistance to participate, please contact Irene Campbell on 07 3435 3121 or email by 5pm Friday 1 November 2024.